Contested World Order

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Program of the workshop “Contested Liberal World Order – Nationalist Challenges for Multilateralism”, 6.-7. June 2019, LMU Munich


Panel 1: Nationalist Challenges between Voice and Exit
Thursday, 6 June 2019, 14:00-16:15
When does the barking dog bite? The Trump Administration and Varieties of Contestation of Multilateral Institutions
Daßler, Benjamin/Heinkelmann-Wild, Tim/Hobbach, Raphaela (LMU)
Orfeo Fioretos (Temple University)
Booster or Brakeman? Explaining the Changing Pattern
of US Arms Control Policy

Böller, Florian (Heidelberg University)
Bernhard Zangl (LMU)
A Story of Success? How Contested Multilateralism Alters the Institutional Landscape to Help States Achieve Their Political Goals
Fuß, Julia (WZB Berlin) 
Berthold Rittberger (LMU)
Panel 2: The Populist Contestation of Multilateral Norms

Thursday, 6 June 2019, 16:45-19:00
Beyond authoritarian nationalist threat? Varieties of populism and transnational constitutional politicisation in the EU, 1990-2017
Koch, Cédric M. (WZB Berlin)
Orfeo Fioretos (Temple University)
Why this Nationalist Challenge Now?
From a Diagnosis of its nature to an Explanation of Its Causes

Schindler, Sebastian (Goethe University Frankfurt) 
Lora Viola (FU Berlin)
Why States rebel: How the European Union can help us understand about international backlashes against liberal norms and institutions
Speyer, Johanna (Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz) 
Caroline Fehl (HSFK Frankfurt)
Panel 3: (De)Legitimation of Multilateral Institutions

Friday, 7 June 2019, 10:00-12:15
Beyond Euroscepticism: Explaining the Europeanisation of national blame games
Kriegmair, Lisa (LMU)
Lora Viola (FU Berlin)
Affective Governance: Enoch Powell, Brexit
and the Politics of Emotion
Montgomery, Christopher 
Caroline Fehl (HSFK Frankfurt)
Legitimation Narratives in Global Governance: Functionalism and Beyond
Schmidtke, Henning (GIGA Hamburg) 
Caroline Fehl (HSFK Frankfurt)
Panel 4: Responses to the Nationalist Challenge

Friday, 7 June 2019, 13:45-15:15
After Exit: Institutional Resilience and Leadership Transition after the United States’ Withdrawal
Heinkelmann-Wild, Tim (LMU) 
Orfeo Fioretos (Temple University)
International Organizations in Difficult Times: Explaining Communicative Responses to Great Powers’ Contestation
Jankauskas, Vytautas (LMU) 
Lora Viola (FU Berlin)

The workshop takes place at the Munich Center on Governance, Communication, Public Policy and Law (MCG) and is sponsored by the GraduateCenterLMU.